Recent Activities at CICLoPE and Future Plans

Session Chair: Alessandro Talamelli

“10 Years of Activities of CICLoPE Infrastructure: lessons learned and future directions” by Gabriele Bellani


The Center for International Cooperation for Long Pipe Experiment (CICLOPE) was created with the intent of developing a unique turbulent pipe flow facility (the Long Pipe) that, thanks to its large size and unique installation site, had the potential to minimize experimental uncertainty due to insufficient probe resolution and environmental variability. Since its inauguration in 2014, the Infrastructure was included in a European network of high-performance infrastructures in turbulence (EuHIT) and it has hosted several international projects. After a brief description of the facility and its initial specifications, we will present the main results obtained within the projects that have been carried out in the Infrastructure. We discuss the open questions that have been addressed and the related open datasets currently available. Finally, we will present the ongoing upgrades that aim to expand the capability of the facility to address emerging issues and applications, as well as the status update of the Infrastructure after the flooding events of May 2023.

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